Department of Agriculture
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Dept. of Agriculture

WSDA has been serving agriculture and the public for more than 100 years. Through service, regulation, and advocacy, we support keeping agriculture viable and vital in Washington State, while protecting consumers, public health, and the environment.

Agricultural Fairs

Washington's agricultural fairs provide educational opportunities for youth and promote agriculture and the welfare of rural Washington. The WSDA Agricultural Fairs Program provides approximately $2 million in financial assistance to agricultural fairs and youth shows each year. The Director of Agriculture appoints a seven-member Fairs Commission to recommend how the funds are allocated to participating fairs. Currently, 68 fairs participate in the program. The Fairs Program:

  • Coordinates the activities of the Fairs Commission,
  • Audits all required reports and information from participating fairs, and
  • Verifies that fairs operate in compliance with state law.
For a schedule of agricultural fairs and youth shows contact:
Program Staff:
Washington State Department of Agriculture
Tracey A. Keller
Fairs Program Administrator
office: 360-902-2043 cell : 564-669-0264

Washington State Fairs Commissioners
Laurie Davies Sequim
Paul Nimmo
Greg Stewart
Trish Meyers Yakima
Rich Hartzell
Paul Kuber
Tim Schneider

Washington State Fairs Association
Gale Sobolesky, Executive Secretary
PO Box 945, Conway, WA 98238
Tel: (360) 269-9971

Capital Improvement Grants applications now open


I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I just started as the new Fairs Program Administrator today. I’m looking forward to working with each of you!

I’m excited to let you know that applications for capital improvement grants were placed in the mail today and have been sent to the address the department has on file for your fair. For your convenience, I’ve attached a fillable electronic copy to this email, along with the cover letter and a Q&A.

I’d like to make you aware of some of the application requirements this year.

  1. All applications must be sent to me via email and in PDF format to
  2. The deadline for emailing applications is 5:00 p.m. October 2, 2023.
  3. You may submit no more than three applications.
  4. The “cap” for each application is $250,000.
  5. Smaller projects may be grouped together on one application but must not exceed $60,000.
  6. There may be additional reporting requirements added to the grant agreements due to the high-profile nature of this program.
  7. All projects must be completed by May 31, 2025. Invoices must be submitted not later than June 30, 2025.

We are planning to schedule a virtual meeting to answer any questions you have regarding the capital improvement grant program. Stay tuned for more information. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Tracey Keller, Fairs Program Administrator

Washington State Department of Agriculture

PO Box 42560

Olympia, WA 98504


Livestock Exhibitor Information

Protecting you, your animals and the public while enjoying time at the fair is one of the many roles of our veterinarians and staff in the Animal Health program at WSDA. Our website (link below) includes important information on biosecurity at fairs, recommendations on how to keep your animals healthy while they are at the fair and various animal diseases that are important to familiarize yourself with. We encourage everyone who plans to attend a fair to take a look at this information and if you have any questions, please contact our office directly. We are always happy to help!

All About Washington Agriculture

We are the number 1 U.S. producer of Apples, Blueberries, Hops, Pears, Spearmint Oil and Sweet Cherries. Check out the link below to read more about Washington Agriculture!

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