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Call to Action!

IAFE asks for your help

H.R. 1787 (CARE Act) / S. 4040 (RIDE Act)

Over the next few weeks, all of our members in the U.S. will receive important communication from us asking you to contact your Congressman or Congresswoman, asking them to become a co-sponsor for HR 1787, the Carnivals Are Real Entertainment (CARE) Act.

Passage of HR 1787 will:
– Clarify an existing category of visas for foreign workers, the P Visa, which covers the entertainment industry. Carnival workers should’ve been included in this category years ago.
– Solve the mobile amusement industry’s most pressing issue – having enough reliable workers to operate safely at full capacity.
– Free up about 10,000 H2B visas for the many other industries (fishery, landscaping, resorts) that also need reliable foreign labor.

The CARE Act has bi-partisan support. It is not an immigration issue. It is a workforce issue.

S. 4040 (RIDE Act) has been introduced in the Senate. Follow the Congressional Guide below to helpful information on contacting your senator. The time to call is now!

Click on the link for more information regarding how we can support this legislation.


Support of Fairs

Fairs support rural economic development by giving small businesses an opportunity to showcase their wares. In addition, numerous artists and entertainers get their start at fairs. The more fairs do to support and encourage small businesses, the more revenue would be generated for the fund.

In 1998, the Fair Fund was set in statute at $2 million per year (RCW 15.76.115). Prior to that time, it had fluctuated according to revenue from horse racing. In recent prior years, it had been nearly $3 million per year.

The current source of revenue for the Fair Fund is a transfer from the general fund. The bill would divert sales tax revenue generated on fairgrounds from the general fund to the Fair Fund, replacing the existing transfer. If more revenue is generated than the existing $2 million, the Fair Fund would increase.

The fairs that depend the most on the Fair Fund are youth shows and the most rural counties.

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You may also leave a message via telephone at: 1.800.562.6000.

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