Board Elections

Board Elections

WSFA Directors Job Descriptions

As a whole the WSFA Board of Directors Shall:

  • Work on issues of concern to all agricultural fairs
  • Plan and conduct the Annual Convention
  • Encourage and assist in the planning of Super School and Area Meetings
  • Maintain the Washington State Fairs Association Website and Fair Dates and Brochure
  • Work with Department of Agriculture Fairs Commission
  • As an individual a Director shall:

  • Represent the Washington State Fairs Association on Board and Committees as appointed by the WSFA President.
  • Assist all members’ fairs throughout the state whenever possible.
  • Continue to build and maintain good public relations with government and private business and tourist groups.
  • Be a liaison for district fairs with the legislative representative of the fair’s association keeping appraised of matters of interest or concern.
  • Attend WSFA monthly zoom business meeting and other meetings that may be called by the President.
  • WSFA Directors Term of Office – The term of the elected director shall be for a period of four (4) years. A person may be eligible to serve for two full elected terms (of four years each).

    If you are interested or know of someone that would be an effective board member, please email Erin Gurtel, WSFA Nominating Committee Chair, at or the WSFA Office at

    Also, we are asking for a written letter of intent to run, and a short paragraph of your qualifications is required. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Erin Gurtel or the WSFA Office.

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